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  ☆Deputy general manager Hu yuanhua and other leaders from Hengyi Group accompanied Haji Abu Bakar bin Haji Ibrahim who is Deputy Executive Secretary of the treasury of Brunei visited Zhejiang University on May 6th morning.
  ☆May27th,ZhejiangHengyiPetrochemical Co., Ltd. received the certificate and plaque of“Zhejiang export Brand”by Zhejiang Provincial DepartmentofCommerce. The first page The first page
  ☆May 14th, Huang zhengqiang who is the deputy secretary,Vice-President of Zhejiang provincial association of industry and commerce made an investigation in Hengyi.
  ☆May 26th,FederationofSocialSciencesof Xiaoshan district, Hangzhou released the list of socialsciencestalent pool ofXiaoshan Districtin 2015, Hu yuanhua who is the deputy general managerofHengyiGroupwasselected. The first page The second page
  ☆May 15th, 35 forklift workers from Hengyi sailed through the skills assessment, and won the national senior engineer qualifications.
The second page

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