

☆The 2014-year-end sharing meeting of enterprise informatization of Zhejing province, was held on January 15,2015.Hengyi won two enterprise informationization projects.
  ☆Hengyi News Prize Awards Ceremony of 2014 was held at room 2603, Hengyi HQ office on the afternoon of January 29.
  ☆A visual image coordination meeting was held at room 2603, Hengyi HQ office on the afternoon of January 26.
  ☆Hengyi Union president Zhou Xiaoling headed a delegation to visit the needy workers and share with the delightful New Year wishes on the afternoon of January 28.
  ☆Yiming literary society was inaugurated at room 2603, Hengyi HQ office on January 29. Hengyi Group s Party Secretary Lai Guoliang and Union President Zhou Xiaoling were present the ceremony and deliveed the plaque to literary society. The first page The second page The three page

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