

  ☆Jianlin Qiu,the chairman of HengYi hosted the retreat conference and made an important speech on March,27th afternoon.
☆ Jianyang who is the Chinese Ambassador to Brunei went to Pulau Muara Besar and inspected the PMB project of HengYi on March,11th.
  ☆HengYi won the title of "Advanced enterprise of public responsibility in the national chemical fiber industry" on Match, 18th.
  ☆The annual collection of the files for 2015 was started in HengYi on March,26th.
  ☆ won the outstanding award of “Good Newspaper”between Chinese enterprise in 2014.
☆ March,12th is tree planting day, employees of HengYi actively carry out voluntary activities of tree planting.
  ☆HengYi team won the bronze medal of Brunei Dragon boat race for the first time on March,1st.
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