New Lead


  ☆WZhang Hongming, the Hangzhou Municipal Vice Secretary and Mayor, investigated the major Foreign Trade Enterprise in the afternoon of 21st Oct, and held the symposium in the head office of HENGYI.
  ☆In the morning of 8th Oct, the polyamide projectofHENGYIranintotheinstallationstage.
  ☆ In the evening of 20th Oct, Zhejiang Province Disabled Art Club performed a wonderfulshowforallHENGYIstaffinYaqian.
  ☆Intheafternoonof29thOct,9teachersand 10 freshmen majored in Administrative management from ZHEJIANG RADIO&TV UNIVERSITY XIAOSHAN ACADEMY went to HENGYI, visiting and studying the manufacturingbaseinYaqian. The first page The second page The third page The third page

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